German geographic location
The German Federal Republic (see some Federal Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is located in central Europe. East of Poland, Czech republic, south PI Austria and Switzerland, west Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, near the north sea and the Baltic sea. The coastline 1333 kilometers. Northwest climate is more apparent, toward the east, south to the continental climate transition gradually. Average temperatures on July 14 ~ 19 degrees Celsius, January - 5 ~ 1 ° c.
Features: no individual responsibility, established companies with simple procedure, cost less.
How to create a German company:
A man can apply for a company, registered gold at least 2.5 million euros, the articles of association of the company can oneself, also by the draft law drafting, but German division notarization notarial must have notariellbeurkunden (.). The articles of association of the company should contain at least company name, company, company, registered gold content, each shareholder of the shares. The rest of the similar joint-stock company, but much more simple AG deposit, such as shareholders shall be registered stocks, each shareholder shall deposit own corresponding parts, it has not listed shares, share the transfer of shares, the teacher must be notarized, and report to the administrative court "company registration. For example, the joint venture company, three registered capital of 25,000 euros, A shareholder 5000 euros, B and C each shareholder 1 million euros, so every 20% stake in sequence, 40%, 40%. This is the future of responsibility, foreign debt, every loss is their shares, a companys property compensation. Shares of the minimum amount is 250 euros, that is to say, the shareholders shall have at least 250 euros a shareholder. In a court declare, each shareholder register at least 25% stake in themselves, and 50% of the total registered gold to place. Non-cash assets (such as real estate) sex can discount into shares of stock, the financial part must be 100%. Then sent batches of company registration is still "is approval of" GmbHi Co., LTD (j), then if the shareholder to Co., LTD, is liable to do business name by the shareholders shall, with all the property for individual. I will write articles in the shareholder and the company manager, determine the shareholder under what conditions can become a manager, and a manager and a manager is independent of their power, on behalf of the company, or a joint, on behalf of the company. Submitted to the court approval letter to register by the company manager signed Geschaeftsfuehrer (Eintragung auf der Antrag: imHandelsregister GmbH. Once the court of the articles of association, the shareholder meeting has been notarized, memos, letters of application no doubt we shareholder (Zwischenverfuegung), will send print registration, the applicant or appoint lawyers to court to cover it with a chapter, became the official signature of Co., LTD formally registered list. From real corporation -- a limited liability company.
A German company registered name:
Company name must contain GmbH. Such as: ABC by European Commerce
Legal authority Organe
Companys shareholders Gesellschafterversammlung is the highest authority and decision-making authority Beschlussfassungsorgan. Simple majority has discretion, three-quarters of the votes decide to change the constitution. 50 euros for counting the smallest unit of counting. In this, the shareholders of the company of limited company of power over shares AG shareholders Hauptversammlung AG -. Shareholders are mainly as follows: the power to hire, recall and supervise the resolution; company manager. For the internal instructions; company manager. Resolution hire deputy manager or authorized agents and other major decisions.
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